Star Trek: Enterprise: Shockwave, Part II (2002)
Season 2, Episode 1
Exciting conclusion to the story if you can disregard some of the detail
31 August 2020
While Archer is trapped in the future, the crew of Enterprise plan to retake the ship from the Suliban.

This conclusion is riddled with plot holes and conveniences but is very entertaining if you do not take the series too seriously. It is great to see the crew pulling together in difficult situation to overcome a bullying antagonist and as the action unfolds things do get rather exciting. By the time Archer's moment to shine comes along I had forgiven all the problems with the story details.

The only scene where there is no excuse for what we are seeing, other than sexual objectification is when Hoshi is asked to do something because of her physical stature. You can even see that any number of the actors could have done it, but obviously they wouldn't have looked half as good crawling through a 'tight' space and ending up with their top off.

It is an excellent Archer and T'Pol episode as they not only get moments of individual heroism but T'Pol in particular gets an opportunity to help keep the Enterprise in its business of exploration.
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