Tense and moving
3 August 2020
Released in mid-2020 during the middle of the Corona Virus pandemic, Night Into Day's backdrop of Cold-War era nuclear fears seems suddenly poignant and germane. In an age where tensions are high and families are becoming sick of each other (quarantine blues, anyone?), Night Into Day soberly reminds us that love is, as the wedding vows go, "for better and for worse." Sometimes, it takes the worst to bring out love's best qualities.

The writers have made a plot altogether believable and engaging. The dialogue is honest and raw in a way that is all too rare in other romantic pictures. Of course, the story wouldn't have worked if it weren't for the heartfelt acting by this relatively obscure cast of only three.

Yes, it's a small cast and aside from a few short scenes, nearly the entirety of the movie takes place inside a single building. That said, the limited setting and the choice of using only a few characters made this story more intimate and intense against the deadly situation developing around our heroes.

Part of the movie has background music to set the tone, but I don't believe it added anything of value to the picture and wish it had been omitted.

Glad to have watched this.
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