Review of Enigma

Enigma (1982)
Fine Actors, Blank Story Keep Up Interest
15 July 2020
Former spy Martin Sheen is now broadcasting for the Voice of America. His erstwhile boss offers him a major payday to switch some electronic gizmo that will give the CIA an ear into OGPU headquarters; all he has to do is head to Berlin, meet up with former lover Brigitte Fossey, evade every Stassi agent in the country and Russian spy Sam Neill.

It's one of those movies with an old-time serial feel: how's Sheen going to get out of this cliff-hanger? And why are people doing whatever it is they're doing? French locations in mid-winter and drab signs stand in for a depressing East Germany, and Jeannot Szwarc's explication-free direction doesn't pander to the audience, but keeps the movie interesting throughout.
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