11 July 2020
2019 After the fall of new york, a true old skool Cult flick from the glorious early 80's Italian Exploitation era with a big mix of Escape from New York & Mad Max 2. "2019" is a fun adventure flick that's a mix of Genres like science fiction, Horror, action & fantasy but done in such a bizarre & interesting way that it is definitely the definition of a "Cult" film.

Set in an apocalyptic 2019 where the world has fallen to ruins & disease because of a nuclear fallout & the once mega city New York is a ruined urban wasteland full of mutants & killer gangs but is also the place of the last fertile women left on earth (there's been no babies born in 15yrs) so it's up to a tough (Snake Plisskin style) mercenary to go into the hell hole, find the girl & bring her back for the newly formed government to start over again. Sounds fair enough story wise but there's some weird bits & some just bizarre moments sprinkled throughout this wild flick.

I love these Italian Exploitation flicks about the Apocalypse & fall of man & how everything turns into a Mad Max style world. "2019" is a stunning movie really for what it pulls off with a very limited budget, the effects are very good & very creative & still better with it's miniatures & matte paintings than today's over use of c.g.i, the new york here looks great with it's dark & gritty urban streets sets & weird mutants & endless tunnels & paths around the place, a great place to explore & makes everything feel exciting.

Our lead hero here is then male model turned actor, Michael Sopkiw, a good enough tough looking & tough talking low-rent version of Snake Plisskin but good enough in his own right & doesn't completely copy Snake as this dude doesn't have an eye-patch & wears a chain-male jacket & only really uses a big knife & Sopkiw plays his debut role well & creates a cool cult hero. Sopkiw went on to do 3 other Italian Exploitation flicks to fulfil his 4 film contract & those are all Cult Classic flicks too, so he done well to make his small but loved mark in Cult Cinema. I loved Enzo G castellari's post-apocalypse flicks too like The Bronx Warriors, Escape from the Bronx & The New Barbarians, all Italian Exploitation Cult films, so this is a great fun genre of it's time, a better time for crazily made but fun & inventive entertainment. "2019" is a fun piece of fantasy with some truly memorable bits because of how bizarre they are like a creepy robotic clown thing & when our hero "Parsifal" wins a transvestite to keep after killing off two wasteland warriors & the coming across some guys dying on the floor puking out green slime or finding androids all torn up & that's a fun part of this wild ride is it's world building, we have androids, mutants, extreme new warriors & ravaged survivor's living in this apocalyptic new world. Simply a fun & entertaining wild piece of late night entertainment that's cheesy, goofy & silly but always fun. One of the better "Copies" of Escape from NY & Mad Max but not as good as "The Bronx Warriors" that's my favourite of the Italian post-nuke Exploitation flicks!!!
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