There's a reason this film only made £103,000
18 June 2020
The reason is because it's utter trash and will only appeal to a tiny percentage of film goers. It's very annoying in most parts, and the main amount of dialogue is people shouting at each other and being angry. After even 30 minutes of that it brings you down and depresses you. On top of that is obscure, discordant, jangling music that is far too loud and starts and stops at seeming random times. Not a lot of the add things people do in the film is explained so you're left wondering...WTH...? I am amazed I managed to watch it through to the end cos my inner sanity voice was screaming at me for an hour to turn it off but I continued watching it in some form of masochism. Conclusion? If you are a Jodie Whittaker obsessive watch it as there are so many scenes with her in. Otherwise, don't bore and depress yourself, give it a wide berth.
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