Revolution (II) (2012)
environmental activism
13 May 2020
Rob Stewart grew up as an animal lover and became a filmmaker. In 2007, he released Sharkwater to tackle the shark finning industry. He is then forced to face a much greater threat to the global environment. It starts with the lost of coral due to ocean acidification and the movie closes with the fight against the tar sands in Canada.

The first half has some interesting underwater filming and a healthy helping of environmental diatribe. It gets a little unbalanced as it concentrates more on the tar sands and railing against Canada at an environment conference. It's not as pretty as underwater life and it is very much tilting at windmills. I'm not convinced of the effectiveness of these environment conferences. There is a naivety to the world that is rather pathetic. They're going to war against powerful forces and their only weapon seems to be shame.
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