One of the best shows on Netflix
12 May 2020
I remember the first time I started watching this show. I thought it was a bit confusing, but it had Elijah Wood in it, so I gave it a go. After maybe one or two episodes, I lost interest, as one sometimes does. It wasn't a bad show, I just didn't get into it at that time. I wish I had, because this was when the show was fresh out of the oven, and maybe if I had continued watching, maybe if I had told my friends how awesome and unique this show was, the ratings would have gone up just enough to justify a third season.

Instead, I got back into it a while later, after season two had ended. I watched the entire show in a few weeks, maybe just one and a half. That's how much I ended up loving it. It's a funny, weird, and as I said, unique (with a capital U) show. I struggle to find the words to describe it in a way that does the show justice, and not just because it ended a few years back and my memory is hazy.

Elijah Wood plays a young man by the name of Todd Brotzman who, without spoiling too much, encounters the titular character, Dirk Gently. Dirk is somehow both a charming imbecile and a genius detective at the same time, at least that was my initial impression (and part of what confused me). As the show goes on, you learn more about both characters, and new ones are introduced, like Amanda, who is Todd's troubled sister, and Bart, a sort of antithesis to Dirk, who shares several of his traits and abilities, but in a slightly different way. (Don't want to spoil the fun for you, just trust me, the character is awesome).

Each season has a different main storyline, with subplots and characters carrying over between the two seasons. The character growth is actually pretty impressive for a comedy show, which does cement the fact that this is more than your average, laugh-track filled sitcom. This is truly an adventure, and one I recommend to anyone with a pulse. And most people without one, if they can still watch it.

I'm not used to writing reviews, and I'm not by any means a trained or professional writer. But I had to at least give writing a review for this show a go. It deserves my attention, and maybe, just maybe, if people keep voicing their love for it, we'll get a season three eventually.
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