Transporter 2 (2005)
Simply A Kick-ass, Action-packed Ridiculous but Fun Sequel With Statham As Cool as Ever!!!
7 May 2020
This sequel to the hit first film is a much more ramped-up, higher octane, action packed stunt-fest!!! Yes this action flick is ridiculous OTT & has some terribly cheap & tacky CGI (the helicopter explosion was horrendous) & it falls into Action Fantasy, but its so much fun you can just laugh at the silliness of it all.

Transporter 2 feels more low-budget & B-movie than the first film (the first film is better & remains still the best Transporter film) but with a more colourful sheen & more ridiculously unbelievable & laughable stunts.

The Awesome action hero, Jason Statham returns as Frank Martin aka: The Transporter & this time he's in sunny Miami & is working at the moment as a pick-up ride for a wealthy couples little boy & soon things heat up when the boy is captured for ransom & an underlining threat of a toxic chemical weapon surfaces that is to wipe out a political conference. It's a wild ride & full of absolutely ridiculous stunts that could never ever happen but it's fun in a silly & cheesy way. This is a well filmed movie with it's very saturated colour palette that's very rich & actually gorgeous for an action flick, the beautiful sunny Miami setting looks beautiful & i felt that this is a really fun summertime action Thriller & that's fine. Infact the movie looks just like Bad Boys 2, the strong saturated cinematography, very colourful scenery, sun-drenched & the hot sweaty atmosphere, the same Miami that is portrayed in Bad Boys 2 is here!!! Maybe these films exist in the same movie world/universe? I feel Transporter 2 & Bad Boys 2 do exist together, so imagine how Awesome it would be if Frank Martin had to team up with Will Smith's Mike Lowry & Martin Lawrence's Marcus Burnett!!! A nice fantasy thought.

Jason Statham is definitely an action legend by now, he deserves his spot at the top with Stallone, Schwarzenegger & Van Damme.

The Transporter 2 has plenty of shootouts & some amazing fight scenes & Statham here is like James Bond with the skills of Jet Li or Jackie Chan & he can do it all as he beats bad guys all over Miami in his search of the kid Not as good as the original cult favourite but a fun sequel anyway. Statham shows is coolness & fighting skills here in all his quick slickness & he's a joy to watch on screen. Statham has become my favourite action star.

The supporting cast is good with Keith David (The Thing, They Live) & Jason Flemyng, Mathew Modine & Amber Veletta.

As a sequel is upped everything to a new crazy level than the first film & it is a fun piece of very fast-paced entertainment with the always watchable action hero Statham. A very fun & simple action movie & there's nothing wrong with that.
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