Star Wars: Rebels: A World Between Worlds (2018)
Season 4, Episode 13
"A World Between Worlds"
30 March 2020
Epic! That's really the way to describe this episode. This franchise has always been about the Force, and whenever someone tries to do something new and excited with it, it brings me a lot of joy. This episode shows a completely different side of the Force. An incredible opportunity to visit other points in the galaxy that we have no knowledge of yet. The creators found a unique way to explain some plot threads that had been left hanging a few seasons ago, and brought back some characters that I didn't think we were ever going to see again. It had an epic appearance by the Emperor, bringing his incredible powers to the game and proving to be a challenge for even a fully-learned Ezra. All the possibilities that this episode opens up for are endless, and with the new era of the "Star Wars" history coming down the pipeline, this seems ripe for more exploration. I loved this episode, and it is definitely one of the series' very best. I can't wait to see the creators bring it all full-circle and do something that brings "Star Wars" fans all over to a huge and epic conclusion to this series.
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