The Walking Dead: Look at the Flowers (2020)
Season 10, Episode 14
You have questions. Let me explain. (Pt.5)
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Obligatory 10/10 even though this is a 3-4, but in the world of the walking dead our standards are so low an absolute zero on the kelvin scale is still a 10. plus the hired drones who up vote the 10s and down vote the valid criticisms will never read this, or will they.
  • Carol's character is a bit of a mess, first she's having a melt down, then she's cunningly planning for Negan to off Alpha, because she can't do it herself even though her whole history in the series has been one who can and will do what it takes. The uneasy truce with the whisperers was obviously broken so it's all on war, but it wasn't. So we got a handful of the most excruciating dragged out directionless toss that leads us to Carol having a chat to a ghost alpha, then the big reveal flashback that it was Carol's plan all along, like it matters or anyone cares any more.
  • where did the horde go to, everyone is walking around and camping out at night like it school holidays. where's the 10,000 destroyed rotting carcasses? Carol decides to go for a wander because it's all good now, no whisperers or horde left??? finds a canoe is someone's shed and fails to notice the structural integrity is lacking and brings the whole building down on herself but it's ok, just dislocate your shoulder and you're sweet. phew.
  • Beta turns into a DJ for zombies and gets his best audience in years but it still came out boring. why didn't he sing em a song for some manic crazy , take it to the joker level, or keep it boring. There were some good details, I like alpha talking to him from her zombie head, they could have run with that and it would have fitted into the whole walk with the dead theme and kept it crazy, but no, they had him kill her and patch his cool mask which it seems wasn't well made at all with the way it fell off like a cotton wool santa beard ripped from the face of a mall santa by a 4 year old, so now he's got her pasty white skin on his, and the end result isn't as crazy or terrifying as any of the other directions they could have taken this to make it have any semblance of interest and logic. Beta did a little home sewing. Fascinating.....
  • Poor Daryl. What are they making him do. He still delivers with his character, he's still cool. At least they didn't make him have a little cry cry to himself, yet, but what are they making him do? just walk round in circles wearing his silly angels wing jacket,
  • Negan, they tried to show the inner torment of him but none of it stuck. Why is he sticking around, why does he care about the people who kept him captive for 7 years, none of his motivation makes any sense. Is he redeemed or not? Does Jeffery Dean Morgan chip in on the discussion on what they make his character do or does he just take the paycheck and not think about it.
-Eugene's going to the prom and everyone is buying him an outfit. It might as well be that silly. At least we get to see a different landscape. Ezekiel coughs in all the right places, until the zombies are close then he does the zombie dodge and cough.
  • Magna had a potentially interesting story to tell about how she walked out of the cave , but instead we get her moping around the site like a lost catwalk model striking cheekbone poses.
  • that pretty much sums up this show, plenty of interesting directions to go in but none of them explored.
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