Loved it!!!! Ok well.... it was entertaining anyways!
24 March 2020
The reviews here are unnecessarily harsh, therefore I'm awarding this low budget disaster flick a perfect TEN!!!!!

Come on people, lighten up!! This is a SyFy channel-quality disaster film. Is it ridiculous and corny? YES. Are the special effects cartoonish and absurd? YES. Did it star the guy from Beetlejuice slash Principle Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off? YESSSS!!!!!....... And I loved it!!!!!!

Actually, it reminded of "2012" - a Hollywood blockbuster disaster film starring John Cusack, which, despite having a much bigger budget, was equally as corny and ridiculous. I guess all disaster films, regardless of budget, seem at least a little ridiculous/unbelievable. Some are worse than others, but that's what's fun about watching a highly implausible, non-scientifically-accurate disaster film, right?

Well, I enjoyed it. The Los Angeles scenery was lovely. I enjoyed seeing Ed Rooney as a mad scientist. If you want a perfect script, amazing special effects, and scientific accuracy - look elsewhere. If you want a silly, fun watch without any high expectations, then yes!
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