King Cohen (2017)
A Love Letter To A Master
12 March 2020
I'll be honest - I didn't know a lot about Larry Cohen going into this movie, but I came out of it with a newfound respect and admiration for the man. His refusal to play the system and to do things his own way is the mark of a true indie film god and he's probably the closest thing to a true indie filmmaker I can think of.

Cohen was sick of having Hollywood come in and change his scripts or tell him that this or that couldn't be done, so he bypassed them altogether and write, produced, and directed his films himself. I can only imagine how inspiring this film will be to indie filmmakers who struggle with trying to get things financed or pay the Hollywood system. Turns out, you don't have to.

Even better, Cohen comes across as a laid back, calm man at peace with his life and the interviews with all the people he's worked with paint him in such a wonderfully positive light (many of them say working with him was one of the best creative experiences of their lives). It really says something when even your ex-wife has only glowing things to say about you.

King Cohen is a total love letter to a filmmaking genius whose smart, independent films will live on for years to come thanks to the singular, untampered vision of their creator.
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