Mystery!: Cadfael: One Corpse Too Many (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
One Corpse Too Many
4 February 2020
I once read an Ellis Peters non Cadfael mystery. I actually found it enjoyable and she also managed to add something about Czechoslovakia, a country she had a great interest in

I watched 'One Corpse Too Many' when it was originally broadcast on ITV. I noted the relationship between Cadfael and Hugh Beringar (Sean Pertwee) were an highlight.

This was the launch episode of the series. It is set in a time of anarchy. England is in a civil war with rival factions. King Stephen's army has overtaken rebels loyal to Empress Maud.

The king has ruthlessly ordered for 94 rebel soldiers to be hanged. Cadfael and his monks have the bleak task of getting the bodies ready for a Christian burial. Cadfael finds one extra body and he was not hanged.

Cadfael is determined to investigate further. He knows this corpse was placed there deliberately hoping no one would notice. Cadfael also has a young boy Godric bought into help him but he turns out to be a girl. He also has a newcomer, Hugh Beringar following him around and asking a lot of questions.

Derek Jacobi establishes Cadfael as a rebel himself. A warrior turned monk and herbalist. He is wise, cunning and knowledgeable of the ways of the world. More than some of the other monks who know little of the outside world.

The series was shot in Budapest standing in for Shrewsbury. I think that worked very well. What worked less well was Godric, she looked too obviously a girl. The mystery was good but not great. There were several suspects with the motive of the murder being treasure.
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