Armistice (2013)
For The Film Buffs
4 February 2020
First, I'll admit my house looks like a Blockbuster and like any connoisseur of whatever their (Harmless) addiction happens to be, one tastes can become thrilled by things the "regular joe" may not get all excited about. I ran across this gem on the "Big E" surfing my DVD wishlist recommendations .The second I saw very few copies of it for sale and the fact I had never seen it before I checked it out. A little indie horror loop flick eh? Watched a few trailers and read a few real reviews (Sorry, but amateur movie addicts with a little "I;m so bored with no big Bay-Bangs" (as in Micheal) review or the frequent "eh I didn't get it so it must be horrid" reviews ya find on here and elsewhere, just doesn't count imo.) Yeah I know, sounds a bit snobbish but...that's fine. As Lisa Marie Presley sang "Ya had the fine wine but ya better off with Bud Light" so I offer no apologies. I snapped it up and enjoyed it greatly, so refreshing to find something off the cuff, especially if it's done with love and effort. The acting is great, the story is pretty unique and out of the norm.Joseph Morgan and Matt Ryan are a joy to watch, and easy on the eyes. It's movies like this you wish could have had some wealthy backer throw more cash at it, just for polish. But even on it's own, as it is, a rare little Indie effort, it's a nice addition to a film buffs collection...after all. Great thing about a collection is having some things in it not many others have got...especially if they're good. As someone else said, it isn't a masterpiece, but it is fun to watch, keeps you engaged, and certainly worth having for bragger's rights as well.
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