Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Hits your laughing muscles like a paint bucket
28 January 2020
"Scary Movie 3" is a horror comedy directed by David Zucker starring Anna Farris and Charlie Sheen. Without a doubt, every single cinephile out there has this one specific film that's their all time favourite guilty pleasure. From "Pootie Tang" to "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" to almost any Adam Sandler feature there's at least one fan for every movie in the industry who loves it for how absolutely terrible it is. May it be the link to childhood memories or just the irresistible fascination for stupidity at times that leads us to this certain insanity, in every case they do exist. In my case, it's this absolutely trashy masterpiece (sarcasm!). I think I was around 13 years old when I watched it with my brother for the first time and although it's so bad, it became one of my favourites, to be honest. Even as of today, I'm laughing nonstop about the ridiculousness and inanity of the jokes. I think that's probably what makes it so charming. In an unimaginably silly way it parodies actually decent films I cherish, such as "8 Mile" and "Signs" and combines it with "The Ring" and it couldn't be any more dumb - still I love it. To this day, I'm still cracking up about the scene when he throws the bucket out of the car window and hits the biker or when Sheen wakes up and hits his head at the lamp (twice!). It's just the child in me that's extremely amused by it. It's overstated, at times way too loud and clearly foolish, but it still offers a great aspect: Leslie Freaking Nielsen as Mr. President. The man's pure comedy gold and he definitely delivers the greatest performance of the whole film, hands down. All in all, this movie is undoubtedly terrible and cheesy. The fact that it's my guilty pleasure doesn't change the obvious truth about it. It's so unimaginably bad that I love it and that's the only reason I own it on Blu-ray - otherwise I would have dumped it. But it's films like these that remind us that fun doesn't always have to result from high quality. Some films need to be watched by the child in us, so turn of your brain sometimes and embrace the embarrassment of cinematic disasters!
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