Disguised As Kiddy Spy Film, But These Agents Are Action Packed
28 December 2019

Smooth Animation Style A More Unique Concept Funny Fun Good Pace Heartfelt Moments Music Creativity With Gadgets Action At The End


A Bit Over silly At Times Villain Needing A Little More Tweak Some underutilized characters The Commercial Syndrome


Spies in Disguise had a lot of delays and to be honest, the movie does not shatter too many things when it comes to originality or that unique energy Disney does. This does not mean the film is bad though, and in fact it's quite enjoyable. Animation wise it's clean, bringing a design that matches the fun nature of the film, with comedy and adventure around every bin. And though much of the movie is a blur, the film succeeds to expand to other audience members and get some character development going, that fits in theme with the creative approach to the spy thriller. It's true the balance to silliness does veer off at times, and the villain needs some of that time to really get the full effect, but for the most part the movie's biggest limitation is not having that Disney spark and giving too much away in the trailers. Still, this film feels like a good theater run thanks to the fun adventure and special effects, especially if you have a little ones or a group to go with. If not, then please check this out and enjoy the fun ride.

My scores are:

Animation/Action/Adventure: 7.5 Movie Overall: 7.0
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