The Twilight Zone: Nightmare at 20,000 Feet (1963)
Season 5, Episode 3
One of the very worst
11 November 2019
Over the years I've watched all TZ episodes several times through. I'm a major fan although I've never been so obsessive as to defend all episodes equally, as if an attack on one is an assault on the entire oeuvre. Some of them are, frankly, just plain embarrassing, especially with over half a century of hindsight.

Where do I begin with this one? Never mind its age; it's just weak and awful as a story, and it has about as much to do with what I believe TZ to be all about as - hmm, I can't even trouble to come up with a simile, so poor is this episode.

How this came to be one of the most revered episodes ever is beyond my comprehension, and it leaves me wondering whether what I've always loved about TZ is completely different from what most other fans love.

As for the gremlin costume itself - even in the early-mid 1960s, just what *were* they thinking? Plushie?!
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