Review of 2040

2040 (2019)
Very timely and upbeat on a dark topic
7 November 2019
Essential and uplifting viewing for those desperately worried that our failure to address man-made climate change very urgently will lead to tragic ecological and societal meltdown. It argues convincingly that various existing technologies, each examined in detail, as well as social changes, notably empowerment of women worldwide, could turn things round quickly enough for year 2040 not be in that tragedy. But only if we, the generation with this last opportunity, start acting in earnest. What's stopping us? Well, as explored a bit, lobbying and misinformation by the fossil fuel industries and their financial backers. It's the power of this fossil lobby that Extinction Rebellion, myself included, is trying to counter and persuade governments that they must reject it and turn down the path of hope that this film shows to not only possible but plausible. I trust all politicians and bureaucrats will get to see this film urgently. My main quibble would be that there could have been more said against algorithmic advertising and click-consumerism, abetted by the likes of Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook, although this was hinted at. In all, very timely and upbeat on a dark topic.
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