Schlocky Enviro-Horror.
16 October 2019
A grop of backwoods poachers, operating on a game reserve in the Florida everglades, are caught in a love triangle; when one of them spots a couple of lecherously deformed swamp monsters.

Meanwhile, the local game warden (and his girlfriend, who always seems to be with him on the job) is trying to catch the poachers...that is...if something else doesn't catch them first...

One by one people in the community start to go missing- beginning with the seductress and her suitor- initially leading the warden to suspect the woman's husband.

However, when more people begin to disappear...he realizes something more nefarious is afoot...and thus continues to investigate.

Turns out the local paper mill has been dumping chemicals into the hydrological system...and it has caused the leeches to grow massively huge and hideously deformed.

And they're hungry...for blood!!!

Now the warden must decide if he's willing to sacrifice his principles, and use the very tactics he was trying to stop, in order to kill the beasts.

So, the moral of the story is that one must act in accordance with justice for the greater good...even if that means sacrificing ones own otherwise just principles, when called for in this regards.

Cheesy schlockiness aside, it's pretty educational for a b-rated horror flick.

You learn about the Seminoles holding up, in what's now the preserve, against the s army; how gators build their nests in underwater caves; and about a slew of environmental issues.

But the monsters are ridiculously bad. And the special effects suck (pun intended).

Luckily, its only an hour long.

3 out of 10.
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