David Thewlis Filmography Project
27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
#12 American Perfekt

Ernest Santini = The Wasted Character

Pros: A strange story, unusual, with a great scoop that despite not being the most original story (very Hitchcocknian), has great moments of suspense, depressing and sadness that are very well thought out, really make you think in many ways about what happens in the same, David and Amanda Plummer are the best part of the film, both Characters (Santini and Sandra) have a great complexity and nuances that only both can create and I must say they did an excellent job. Santini's character is a very picturesque magician who, without having to or fearing it, crosses the path of two people who will damage his existence.

Cons: Unfortunately when Santini and Sandra die the film begins to decline, all fascination begins to fade, Robert Forster and Fairuza Balk end the film together, if this had not happened I think American Perfekt would be a much better film and very possibly could have entered my Top 10! What a pity
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