Sydney to the Max (2019–2021)
This is the kind of show u want ur kids to b watching! Ep. 5 had a 28 yr old man in tears! (me)
18 September 2019
One this show has its bumps but not very many! It feels like a Nickelodeon show not a Disney one! Which is a great thing! The humor has a lot of double meanings which is great for grown ups! I really love how this show is for both sexes! Showing a mother when she was a single parent and now a grandma & how you grow as a person! Now her son is a single parent(They flash from present to the 80s always connecting the story lines)! No sob story's here of death! It's DIVORCE which so many kids deal w/ including me! Seeing constant solid family's & how perfect they are on tv can b exhausting! Me & my mom did great! But the Episode about shaving! My father didn't want to teach me let alone be around me. So my mom bought me a practice shaving kit without a blade so I could learn the angles! Seeing the girls father in the tub shaving was great. They do a wonderful job showing kids how hard it can be for parents & reminds parents what it was like to be kids. But my favorite part was when the grandma comes in and says why do you care. Which try telling a kid that! My mom would always say "It's Not your business what someone else thinks about you. Trust me it's there own insecurities" which now makes perfect sense to me! But then the grandma says women don't have to shave there legs a lot of them don't. It's up to you if you want to do that. Which is so true a lot of my friends only shave in the summer & a couple times throughout the winter. Society tells women to look beautiful you need to do this & this & this! Well there wrong & this is the kind of thing kids should be watching! Something that is actually funny & subtly teaches kids things! Doesn't beat you over the head w/ it! Also the Cast is fantastic! Especially the dad & grandma & two best friends. Great comedic timing at such young ages! Disney should b proud of this show! They are catching up to the progression of Nickelodeon & there sitcoms!
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