Not a single mention of steroids. Why not?
4 September 2019
In this day and age, we all understand that anyone of Von Moger's size takes steroids. However, what could have been a very insightful documentary is simply a fluffy middle of the road affair due to the subject not even being mentioned once, never mind probed in depth.

Calum is injured twice during the making of the documentary and how he approached his rehabilitation with his steroid cycles would have been fascinating. Perhaps Calum's management don't want him talking about his steroid use, but seriously, anyone interested in this guy will have enough basic knowledge of bodybuilding to know he takes them in big quantities. A documentary which at least acknowledges this and explores it in some way would be more welcome as steroids are at the absolute heart of this subject matter.

Exploring what's kind of stack Calum uses, his PCT, and also the psychological aspect of why he started using them, how they have affected him etc would have been scintillating viewing. Instead we're left with nothing but fluff. To his credit, Von Moger comes across as a nice guy and I'm sure he'll be very successful in life.
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