Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
Kind of addictive but admittedly awful
16 August 2019
I'm not sure why i watched this all the way through because it annoyed the hell out of me. I guess i was interested in the Blair - Chuck relationship even though it was so unrealistic and unhealthy at times.

Most of the characters are unbearable. Serena was the worst. Spoilt teenager in shiny outfits who continually made mistakes and screwed over her friends, and as soon as her friends told her she had screwed them over and cut her out of their lives, she would do something even worse instead of apologising. So the scheming just went on and on and was so annoying.

Nate had no personality whatsoever, he was just a pretty boy for the female characters to all sleep with at some point.

Dan became more likeable towards the end when he stopped chasing after Serena like an idiotic puppy, but most of the time his character was just a drip. He was supposed to be one of the most intelligent characters and yet he made such stupid decisions like knowingly missing an interview for the sole reason of waiting for Serena to accompany him to the interview place. Argh.

And the supporting characters seemed to exist just to annoy us even more. Vanessa and Ivy, both with annoying voices and both constantly manipulating and messing with the main characters and pretending to be saints. And sleeping with all the guys, because apparently in every friendship circle everyone sleeps with everyone and falls in and out of love with each other on a whim.

Honestly i spent most of the series on wikipedia checking in advance that the characters wouldnt get away with whatever horrible scheme they had just came up with.

Blair and Dorota were the saving graces of the show and added a touch of humanity and likeability that pulled me through to the last episode. Without them I would have just quit in season 1 after Serenas 5th hair flick. Even Chuck was likeable by the end, as, ironically, he was the character who was least interested in going in and out of relationships with every female character and just focused on Blair and his business. And his dog. Gotta love the dog.
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