Review of 9/11

9/11 (2017)
Shockingly tasteless
13 August 2019
There is no good place to start, as every aspect of filmmaking here was done wrong, so I'll name a few random points to paint you a picture: 1) There's a shot of Whoopi Goldberg walking down the street that looks like a shot from Birdemic. 2) Charlie Sheen's response to the courier randomly blurting out that Filipinos are the worst drivers because they're Asian is "Well that makes sense; the Phillipines are considered to be in Asia, so....*mumbles*". 3) Every shot of the towers is stock news footage. 4) Every 10 minutes the wife character has an emotional outburst in what is supposed to be a dramatic scene, but they cast a woman with a botox-frozen face to play her.

The acting is on the same level as Two and a Half Men, but whereas that is a sitcom that people watch for quick, cheap laughs, this movie is trying to be a serious drama. It switches from cringeworthy acting and dialog (that honestly made me laugh), to scenes of people crying while watching the towers collapsing. Instead of writing characters that we could care about, which would have led to some emotional weight, this movie tries to cheat its way to emotional weight by showing you stock news footage and some pretend firefighters running around, as if to say "Hey, remember THAT day? Sad, right? Remember how freaked out everyone was?".
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