The Tingler (1959)
3 August 2019
Sit back with popcorn and a big glass of scotch and enjoy this deep dive into delightful absurdity. There are at least 3 standout scenes: Price's over-the-moon facial grimaces during his reaction to LSD; the tingler's slow crawl up Price's body to use its claws on his neck; and the scene when it makes its way into the movie theater to terrorize the patrons - the sequence during which(in selected theaters) seats were actually wired with buzzers to "tingle" you while you were watching it. And then there's the scene where the mute woman, actress Judith Evelyn, who had supporting roles a few years earlier in Giant and Rear Window, sees technicolor blood in this otherwise b&w movie and gets a chance to do some overacting of her own. If you know anyone who was or is a bio major or happens to be a doctor or surgeon, you must get him or her a dvd of this incredible treat, because the theory behind Dr. Vincent's discovery could only have been dreamt up by a writer on a very bad -or good - trip.
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