historical movie of the more sombre and thoughtful kind
23 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
During the Ancien Régime, the royal houses of France and Spain are closely related. This is not always a happy circumstance, since two or three persons might feel like claiming the same throne or the same lands. This time around, it is decided to marry a French teenage princess to a Spanish teenage prince. Meanwhile a French prince who is still a child is to marry an even younger Spanish princess. This is supposed to be a supreme diplomatic success, but still, none of the children and adolescents involved feel all that happy or lucky...

"L'échange" rightly points out that in an Ancien Régime monarchy, the (future) monarchs and their spouses are to be pitied deeply. From the earliest age on they are watched, supervised and reviewed so closely that all hope of privacy flies out of the window : they can barely eat an apple without half the world knowing. At the same time they are very much left to their own devices or asked to perform the most heartbreaking of sacrifices. The result is a combination of grave responsibility and crushing powerlessness, which must warp the soul beyond comprehension.

"L'échange" also indicts the old practice of child marriage, pointing out that there is nothing noble about grabbing some inoffensive youngsters and sacrificing them on the twin altars of money and power. (Because yes, this is what all this talk about durable peace, national interest or dynastic continuity boils down to.)

Now this is a well-made movie with remarkable performances, also from the child actors. The locations, costumes and props combine in an evocative and convincing whole : watching the movie is like travelling in a time machine to the court of the young Louis XVth and his southern counterparts. And yet there is something which keeps "L'échange" from springing to fully dramatic life : I found it interesting, rather than moving and engaging. Perhaps the tone is too measured, too distant ? Or perhaps there's something wrong with the pacing ?

Recommended to the more patient kind of viewer and history lover.
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