Cheesy low budget 80's creature feature
18 July 2019
I got this on blu ray as a double feature of obscure 80's horror movies. The other movie on the disc, Catacombs is the more serious and better crafted of the two films. However, Cellar Dweller is still decent and passable , very campy entertainment. Cellar Dweller is very cheaply made and very dated. This pretty much could only have been made in the 80's(or early 90's). For horror fans, there are some familiar faces here with a supporting role for Yvonee De Carlo(Lilly Munster herself) and gets the story set up with Jeffrey Combs(of Re Animator fame)as a comic artist, who's comic demon comes to life. The very attractive Debrah Farantino takes over as the lead of the film as comic artist and super fan of Jeffrey Combs. History repeats itself and the comic demon comes to life and starts to snuff out most of the cheeseball cast. To say the film is cheesy is an understatement with our demon looking a lot like the poop demon in Kevin Smith's comedy classic Dogma. Besides Jeffrey Combs and Yvonne De Carlo, the rest of the support cast is unremarkable with really predictable and hammy performances. I think Debrah Farantino did a decent job in a mostly unimpressive bargain basement horror film. Having said that, this is not the best movie by a longshot, I still thought it had its moments and was not a hard movie to sit through.
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