Review of Shaft in Africa

Shaft in Africa-"Now I'm not James Bond, simply Sam Spade."
10 June 2019
The above quote would be a good reason to think this third Shaft movie would be quite ridiculous especially after his contact showed a stick with a camera inside but screenwriter Stirling Silliphant provides many explanations of why NYC detective John Shaft is wanted on this particular mission to help some African men escape the slave trade in Paris. And so we see Shaft going to Ethiopia on assignment. The score this time is by Johnny Pate with the theme song "Are You Man Enough?" performed by The Four Tops. Vonetta McGee plays the new love interest for Richard Roundtree's character while Neda Arneric is the white woman who is soooo turned on by black men even when her usual lover, Frank Finley, is sitting next to her in the car. Finley is the villain and is quite chilling as such. Besides the action and sex scenes, there are also some cute scenes with a dog. In summary, Shaft in Africa was a nice change of pace in the series. Now I'm going to view the TV movies Roundtree made as Shaft before the new Shaft comes to theatres this Friday...
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