Chasing Molly (2019)
More sketch show than film.
5 June 2019
This tells the story of two ghost cleaners/con people who steal and sell a teapot full of drugs. The drug dealer then wants them back so one is taken hostage and the other, Molly has to try and get the drugs back, get the money for them or new drugs to replace them.

The film is quite funny to start with the two con artists on the phone discussing paranormal cases and then stealing from their victims as they try and clean the ghosts away. However the film then just seems to break down into a series of skits. It does not seem to flow. The ending also seems to be almost rushed and ruins the film to be honest. Its low budget but the film doesn't suffer and works well in its budget.

There are some funny parts of the film. More dialogue you will find funny than laugh out loud comedy. Most of the characters are unique and funny. Molly is particularly good. A lot of her lines seem to involve discussing unusual sexual practices, so I would not watch with your gran. Although there is no nudity. Just occasional cleavage. You may never look at a grapefruit the same way again.

The acting is a bit dodgy in places. There are some funny characters. But it just feels more like a sketch show than an actual film. Its still worth a watch though as it is funny and very well written.
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