A perversion of the original Mister Rogers
1 June 2019
The title of this review may be misleading, so before you jump to conclusions that I'm hating on this show, let me say I will be fair as to the good aspects of this show and the bad ones. First of all, let me say one thing: "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" is at least harmless. PBS has a history of making some of the stupidest shows in history, such as "Teletubbies" (which is just a perverse idea to begin with) and "Peppa Pig" (which is somewhat harmless but lacks any real educational content). DTN is a fairly harmless show for kids to see, and it does contain an certain amount of charm for toddlers and preschoolers, which are the target audience. (I haven't seen enough to fully judge the show, so there may be something to the other reviewers' claims that the kids in the show throw temper tantrums). From what I've seen, though, the show has nothing immoral kids shouldn't be exposed to.

However, the big fault of the show comes right in the title. To be frank, poor Fred must be turning in his grave seeing how some people took his wonderful show and created a cartoon out of the characters in Make-Believe with hardly any actual connection to his original characters. New characters are thrown in, some are removed, and the show is lacking in any real homage to "Mister Roger's Neighborhood". To take the beloved characters I and others grew up seeing and cartoon-ize them seems just wrong. They might as well have made no reference to Daniel Striped Tiger at all and just made the main character a bear or something else. Also, the fact that this show does still have some of the Make-Believe characters in it will cause kids to miss the references to Mister Rogers and say, "Der, Mister Rogers' Neighorbood? What's that? I don't even know since I grew up with good old Danny!"

In conclusion, harmless but a perversion of a great classic. I suggest you show your kids the original show, however, as that show teaches actual m orals and is a good influence. "Daniel Tiger's Niehgborhood", to me, seems only like mild entertainment for a child, nothing more.
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