A Pandora's Box of Family Secrets
28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Everybody Knows" starts with a lavish Spanish wedding with family members traveling from afar and reuniting for the festive occasion. For the first twenty minutes of the movie, one might expect a "Mamma Mia" film with everyone friendly, bubbly, and affectionate. And then...the family baggage boils and rises to the surface.

The film is worth viewing to take in the transformation of the extended family in which see the absolute worst brought out in the clan due to long-held grudges and family secrets. The catalyst for the change is the kidnapping of the young daughter of Laura (Penélope Cruz), who has driven with her children to the wedding. The child is kidnapped out of the home where Laura grew up.

An intriguing character of a retired investigator is called in to offer his opinion that the kidnapping was an inside job of a disgruntled family member. As the film progresses, the deeper, darker secrets begin to emerge about the past. There is resentment about the sale of land from Laura to her old boyfriend Paco (Javier Bardem) and a dicey revelation made about patrimony.

It was fascinating to watch the smiles disappear and be replaced with the resentment of years of grudges. The drama was made palpable by the use of close-ups in most of the interior scenes. The cast was terrific, and the realities of the family dilemma seemed entirely believable.

The film may not have been entirely successful as a whodunnit. The kidnapping situation, when finally explained, strained credibility and was not entirely resolved by the end of the film. Still, the production values were superb, as the look of the film naturally drew the audience into the experience. And, for a film that exceeded two hours, the suspense evoked by the filmmakers was gripping.
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