At Any Price (2012)
Genetically modified
26 May 2019
There is something cloyingly derivative about Ramin Bahrani's At Any Price. It should not work but sincere performances from Zac Efron and Dennis Quaid push it over the line.

The film is set in farming country, the heartland of Iowa. Quaid plays Henry Whipple a farmer and GM seed salesman. The farm has been in the family for generations. However his eldest son has left home to travel and climb mountains. He might be running away from his father.

The rebellious youngest son Dean played by Efron wants to be a race driver. His way of getting away from his father.

Henry has problems as well. He is having an affair that his wife is aware of and he has not connected with his children. He constantly needs to expand his farm to stay ahead of the competition. He is losing customers for his seeds to a rival.

Quaid starts off Henry as shallow and insincere. As the film progresses his character realises the error of his ways and grows up fast.

Bahrani has likened the film to Death of a Salesman. Henry is a man always in a race to stay ahead.
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