Not Very Good and Badly Executed Fluff
1 May 2019
I will be honest. I watched out of erotic purposes and found this poorly done.

The format is simple, ask a question to an "expert," and get the answer you want.

Yep! Most of the people being interviewed are a bit nuts. A lot of them are surrounded by vibrators, penises and vaginas, insane, and well, following a script...kid you not.

It seems VERY scripted. Essentially, do women have higher sex drive according to this? Yes...but they never assume, women MIGHT be pawns...

Instead it's pro-feminsm, women are better, women are more victimized and just wowzers. It's never women do not understand their own nature, instead it's blame everyone else. I kid you not, that's the conclusion.

They never ask simple opposing questions.
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