Review of Psycho III

Psycho III (1986)
Passable sequel in similar style to preceding entries with the ordinarily disturbing acting by Anthony Perkins
25 April 2019
Third and average sequel with usual ingredients as thrills , chills , a lot of killings and the sensational acting by Anthony Perkins . It deals with a runaway nun , Diana Scarwid , who flees from her convent . She arrives in Norman Bates hotel , and of course , things go wrong .The nun with the same initials as Marion Crane triggers Bates first into a mental replay , including some flashbacks of the famous showerbath killing . She stands at hotel along with a drifter , Jeff Fahey , who was hired by Norman to take care the place. Besides , a snooping journalist , Roberta Maxwell , is making questions and is really interested in Norman's case. Then , Norman falls in love for the gullible nun . While newspapers publicize : Spool is missing. Later on , at hotel takes place various ominous crimes and local Sheriff John Hunt : Hugh Gillin, starts investigating the weird events .

The film is plenty of grisly killings , stabbing shots , some flasbacks and brief nudism scenes. Specially contains great load of blood and gore with slashings in Giallo style . At the beginning of the movie , kicking off with a suicidal nun that bears remarkable resemblance to ¨Vertigo¨ by Hitch , in fact , it results to be a recreation of the popular scenes of the Bell Tower . Series killer Norman carries out an extreme criminal spree , as always , while he revives his taxidermy hobby , so that his real mum is now stuffed and directing operations upstairs , ensuring that the course of true love is anything but smooth . Sadly , the stabbings here become distincly ¨Deja Vu¨ and the known screenplay is as full holes as the slashed corpses by Norman . As usual , Perkins gives a terrific acting in his classy character , giving another exhibition of Grand Guignol but controlled histeria , adding his fetching hint of a macabre wink lurking in the background . As Perkins will be forever Norman Bates . Here was used the original house set and the motel was partíally reconstructed. It packs an adequate and colorful cinematography by Bruce Surtees . As well as eerie and thrilling musical score by Carter Burwell, composed by means of synthesizer . Being regularly directed by Anthony Perkins himself in his film debut , as he sets too much store by Hitch's Catholic apologists, as he lumbers the picture with some religious cronies with simply get in the way .

This Psycho series based on the original written by Joseph Estefano , based on novel by Robert Bloch are formed by the following entries : ¨Psycho¨ by Alfred Hitchcock with Perkins, Vera Miles , Janet Leigh , Martin Bálsam, Simon Oakland . ¨Psychosis II ¨1983, that was a pastiche to original Psycho , by Richard Franklyn with Anthony Perkins , Robert Loggia , Meg Tilly , Vera Miles. Psychosis III 1986 directed by Perkins himself. And ¨Psycho¨ IV 1990 by Mick Garris with Perkins , Henry Thomas , CCH Pounder , Olivia Hussey . Followed by a TV series from 2013 to 2017 , created by Anthony Cipriano , Carlton Cuse starrred by Freddie Highmore , Vera Famiga , Max Thierot , Nestor Carbonel, Olivia Cooke.
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