Kavaludaari (2019)
Excellent movie, great work.
17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film is detailed with its retro modern oscillating theme, keeps you at the edge of your seat and explores the dark world of crime, revenge, politics. Rishi's casual and realistic acting complements that of Ananth Nag Sir, who is as always flawless. Achyuth Sir is very convincing as a despondent and desperate editor of a defunct press. Hemanth Rao seems more and more promising day by day. After GDSM, this is totally a different kind of movie. Engaging script ,clever screen play and excellent cinematography along with some retro style music with detailed direction is treat to watch.

Anything else said about the movie will just spoil it for you. Please don't pre-read any reviews, especially that of media, as some of them have given some important plot points without due spoiler warning. If you have already watched the movie read ahead.

***********************************MAJOR SPOILERS ********************************** The movie has many positives about which so many have spoken about. I especially liked the message of danger of traffic congestion. So here I am going to point out the issues I had with the film. And it is because of these issues I am giving it a 8 rather than a 10. I had four issues with the movie: 1. Were the crime branch police so dumb? While Shyam, a cop in traffic dept works along with Muttanna, a retired cop and goes on almost a hunt for the killer, which inturn leads to another 4 homicide 1 suicide and 1 unintentional homicide. The crime branch police seems to have no idea what's happening. Is our real police and detective force so clueless? 2. A Chief Minister of a state, is supposed to have excellent security. It's almost impossible for a traffic cop and get behind CM and point gun at him in a TV show behind curtains and a failed editor to poison the food given to CM without security even getting a clue. 3. I can be wrong in this, but I can't recall there was any reason established why Fernandes/Mailur Srinivas converted the place he burnt Naidu's car into a resort. All the info they had was the intruder of Madhuri's home went into the area where the car was burned. The connection is only apparent. The car was burned in some abandoned place. This means the murderer thought that it was an important place, purchased it and converted it into a resort. Why would you purchase a piece of land where you destroyed an evidence of the crime you committed? 4. The co-incidence at the end was a far fetched. But I had a fan-made theory. That it was not at all coincidental. The theory is after Shyam's father woke up from the injury he asked the doctor that who had saved him, assuming that Doctor knew Naidu, the Doctor told it was Naidu who saved him and also gave him extra money. But then Shyam's father learns that Naidu turned into a criminal and ran away with the treasure and police were after him. Remember that police all these years never knew that Naidu was not the killer, as the day Muttanna found out it was not Naidu, it was the last day of his duty as he quit that day. So everyone, till Shyam came, thought Naidu was a criminal. So Shyam's father would be confused as to how can a man who would save him, and pay extra money to doctor turn out to be such a criminal. He would have, over the course of the years told this story to Shyam, which inspired Shyam to know the truth about the man who saved his father but was then accused as a murderer and a thief. Because of this childhood inspiration Shyam joined police dept with the hope of knowing the truth and getting justice to Naidu. So it was not a co-incidence that Shyam's father was saved by Naidu, it is because Shyam's father was saved by Naidu, that Shyam became a police officer. This also explains Shyam's enthusiasm to join crime department. I was happy with my theory for a while before my theory was debunked my friend, he said that there has to be atleast one coincidence if this was not coincidence, still the finding of bones and Shyam being in the vicinity when it happened itself is a big coincidence. And the very fact that he did not try to search for the truth before the finding of the bones and the fact that he did not know the names of the people who were victims, all shows us that Shyam had no idea that Naidu was the one who saved his father, or atleast he did not join the police force for the sake of it. So there goes my theory. :P

Again these are the points on which the movie could have been better. But despite these things, which are quite tolerable, given the rest of the movie, this is a great movie, and in my opinion, is a torch bearer in the new trend of Kannada movies.
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