The Walking Dead: The Storm (2019)
Season 9, Episode 16
Great end to a great season
2 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After last week's devastating episode we see in comparison, a naturally calmer episode for this week's finale, where we see just some of the effects from the episode before.

The Kingdom has finally fallen, the broken pipes, which Henry used to help with, too much to repair, alongside the visible cracks in the walls also symbolising the break down in Ezekiel's & Carol's relationship. Winter & snow make more than a brief appearance with a satisfying blizzard that our survivors have to contend with out on the road & in their communities. We also finally see some of the effects the bitter cold has on the Walkers in the universe making for some interesting & new takedowns.

Some nice character development for Lydia, still very much an outsider, whose guilt nearly becomes too much until Carol reaches out to her, & for the comedic Negan, showing off his selfless side & potentially showing us that he has changed after spending nearly 8 years behind bars. We also have the unfortunate, but sadly quite realistic break up of the King & Queen of The Kingdom, both ravaged by the loss of their son.

Finally we check back in on the Whisperers with Alpha & Beta whose animalistic nature saw them spend time away by migrating south to escape the harsh winter, (something you can pick up on if you listen to the dialog, negative reviewers) & also the mystery of the radio. A female voice calling out. Somebody we know or a stranger?

All in all, this was certainly a different type of finale we've been used to & for some, maybe not exciting enough, but it sets us up nicely for the events that will unfold in Season 10. A good character driven episode to see out what has been a brilliant season overall.
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