I'm Not Here (I) (2017)
I'm not a fan.
14 March 2019
I'll be blunt, like some others I'm not a big fan of this movie. Too slow paced, made me struggle to stay awake, and to be honest not that of a great story, or just a story that has been done before. An alcoholic looking back on his life and on what went wrong at some point, struggling with commiting suicide or not, it could have been something but in the end it's just an average movie. J.K. Simmons has the easiest role in his career as he doesn't say one word during the entire movie, he just have to look sorry and sad and doesn't have to remember one single line. I don't say the acting was bad, but it's just not a movie I will remember. In a couple days I will have forgotten everything about this movie.
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