This film is bad; SJW censorship and Brie Larson's bigotry just final nails in the coffin
7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's sad what Marvel has sunk to here. This movie is like a bowl of old lollies that have gone stale and fused together in the bowl; a foul-tasting garish mess - this movie in a nutshell. The plot is cookie cutter; hero with strange powers crashes to Earth, dons costume, defeats bad guy, showcases abilities before credits role, rinse and repeat. One of only two interesting bits was the interdimensional alien monster disguised as a cat, but that doesn't have much bearing on Captain Marvel's story (the only other part I liked was Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury). Bringing in characters from past films like Ronan didn't help Marvel's story and was only an attempt to cash in on other movies fanbases (especially since MCU Ronan lacks much of what made people like comics Ronan).

The biggest problem with the film is Captain Marvel herself; she undergoes no character development and when the credits roll the only change in her is that she has more superpowers. Even then, when it comes time for Captain Marvel to show what she's made of and defeat the final villain Yonn-Rogg, she does decimate his army but the stakes weren't as high as some other Marvel films (and even when they were, the first Guardians of the Galaxy film did that better) and the painfully obvious sequel hook is grating. On a side note, making the villain someone "conservative" and "almost devout" (according to the actor who played him) is just a smug attempt to push even more politics into this movie and it fails to make its message appealing or discredit its targets; what next, will Marvel be having Thanos wear a MAGA hat in "Infinity War"? After the credits, retconning that the idea for the name "The Avengers" came from Captain Marvel's uniform - rather than the damaged logo on Stark Tower as it was in Joss Whedon's first Avengers film - was the cherry on this rotten sundae.

Regarding the politics, there should never have been ad hominem attacks on the films critics, Brie Larson should've rethought her views rather than make bigoted speeches (speeches that never would've been tolerated if the genders were swapped or if it was directed against people of color), and the leftist/SJW Thought Police shouldn't have tried to censor anyone who had an issue with the above.

On top of all this, the pushing of a female superhero for the feminist narrative is outdated. Aside from the fact that female superheroes and strong female characters are welcome when written well, they're not new despite what the filmmakers claimed and have been around for decades; Supergirl and Wonder Woman were kicking a%% and taking names in comics before Captain Marvel was even an idea, heroes like Ripley were blasting bad guys on the big screen over 30 years before this movie came out and others like Samus Aran, Jill Valentine and Lara Croft were wowing gamers for over 20 years. And all of them did a far better job than this movie.

You'd be better off taking the money you would've spent on this movie and donating it to The Breast Cancer Foundation or buying a good movie like the 2017 Wonder Woman movie.
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