Nice to see the media and websites aren't censoring reviews of this like they are with Captain Marvel (2019); this one deserves praise.
26 February 2019
This is a movie greater than the sum of its parts - and they are good parts. The special effects are marvelous, and lend themselves well to the style of the manga this was adapted from. It's a blend of photo-realistic and stylized that catches the eye while making the characters and things in this world seem more than computer code or props. While the story isn't ground-breaking, but it's decent, exciting and a breath of fresh air.

Alita herself is a well-rounded and endearing protagonist and a badass cyborg. The twist about how to get to the elitist city of Zalem is horrifying but that makes the triumph of the heroes even sweeter. I highly recommend this film and hope it gets a sequel.
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