19 February 2019
Do you like sports, women, mobsters, and comedy? Well then you are going to want to watch this movie.

This is the story of Bobby "Big Time" Davis. A professional football kicker that seems to have the life we all want. Fame, fortune, and of course women. The problem is "Big Time" has had a few too many women.

Bobby, played brilliantly by Shannon Brown, decided to settle financially with two women who claim to be carrying his babies. He also tries to keep the settlement quiet from his new fiancé Cassandra, played by Juliette Bennett.

Brown's portrayal of "Big Time" is well played on all levels. What especially sticks out is Brown's comedic prowess. His timing is impeccable. His facial expressions are priceless. Just try not to take a sip of a drink while watching him. You will end up spitting out your drink. You have been warned.

Bobby's life gets even more complicated when his sister Annie, played by Heather Matarazzo, shows up with some harebrained idea on how to make money off of her famous brother. So being the loving brother he is, Big Time gives his sister the seed money she needs.

Just when Big Time thinks he has his life back in order all hell breaks lose. It turns out his long time friend, and agent, played by Ken Weichert, has been running a ponzee scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

Bobby think's his life can't get any worse until his sister moves in with him because she lost her house when Bobby's check bounces.

Now he has his sister, two baby mammas, and his pregnant fiancé' living under one roof.

This movie is a fun comedy that will keep you laughing. It's a must for any sports fan, or player. LOL.
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