Fred: The Movie (2010 TV Movie)
Apparently, this Cruikshank guy set out to make a movie WORSE and significantly more annoying than "Freddy Got Fingered" or "The Underground Comedy Movie"!
26 January 2019
My Italian Facebook friend and I talk a lot about bad movies...perhaps a bit too much! Well, he recently challenged me to watch the Fred movies...and, surprisingly, despite my long record of seeing bad films, I'd never heard of them. Well, this review is for you, Angelo! And, I guess you ARE right...this might just be the most annoying film ever made. Listening to dogs bark out "Jingle Bells" for six days straight is almost infinitely more entertaining!!

During the first 30 seconds, I already knew I thoroughly hated this movie and the 'actor', Lucas Cruikshank. His voice is, clearly, the most annoying voice of any leading man in movie history. It sounds like a bad cartoon voice after the voice actor inhaled a lot of helium. So imagine seeing an entire film listening to THAT voice!!! And, sadly, the acting and film itself only got worse. Watching this 'actor' was like watching an untalented and thoroughly obnoxious 12 year-old with ADHD after they consumed 300 cups of coffee! Tom Green is like John Gielgud compared to the mega-untalented Cruikshank.

The story finds Fred to be a maladjusted loser who stalks a girl named Judy. She barely even knows he exists...and he insists she's his steady girlfriend!! This isn't funny. A delusional weirdo who secretly stalks a girl sounds completely unfunny...and it certainly is NOT funny. It's's morally wrong and, amazingly, it's aimed towards kids. Do you really want your kid seeing THAT or thinking stalking is a hoot?!?! The ONLY thing I enjoyed in the film was seeing the wrestler John Cena beating up Fred during some of his delusional daydreams, as I was secretly hoping that he really WAS hurting Cruikshank! Surely Cruikshank deserves some sort of punishment for making this garbage!! And, punishment he also deserves for making THREE of these films!! Who thought THIS was a good idea?! They, too, deserve some sort of punishment...such as being forced to watch "Fred: The Movie" again and again until they lose their minds...which probably will only require them watching it twice!!

Horrible, terrible, annoying, hellishly stupid and less fun than self-immolation! Do NOT watch these films, they will make you stupider. And, honestly, I can't force myself to watch another one of these $&%# Fred don't expect reviews for either of the next two movies!

By the way, I could NOT finish this film....something that very rarely ever happens to's was THAT painful, awful and stupid.
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