Yellow Rock (2011)
Soviet-style Socialist Realism is Alive and Well: Multikulti propaganda movie
3 January 2019
I never seen such BS propaganda in my entire life except in the old Soviet Union. Replace noble Indians+female dogooders with noble workers (proletarians) and greedy white evil males with greedy capitalists and you will get good Soviet movie tailored according to the cliches of Socialist Realism. In this movie you will be exposed to the mosaic of wooden schematic characters (and played badly) that fit required ideological norms. I almost puked by the end of this movie. This "masterpiece" is an excellent window into the minds of the makers of the movie are literally trapped into the Multikulti ideology that still dominates our mainstream (noble polite Native Americans who are stewards of nature and who are never greedy, their allies (noble female caretakers and an accidental male misfit) and evil greedy violence-prone white males. The material and caricature characters simply beg for a good critical review that will disect and make fun of them.
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