Watch Every 21 Seconds if you really want to see a true story about TBI
24 December 2018
Hollywood did it again and not in a good way. Another missed opportunity to show a powerful true story and instead they decided to bring Disneyland to the big screen which simple doesn't play with this particular storyline. My sister sufferers from a TBI after surviving a horrible car accident. A couple years back we picked up Regarding Henry and it annoyed her, it annoyed all of us that are close to her and that help take care of her, the way that film sugar coated TBI, well this film not only sugar coats TBI, it Willy Wonka's it. TBIs are ugly, devastating, messy and brutal for the one suffering from it and their caregivers. Yet they are invisible to others. Often times you'll never be able to tell by looking at someone that have a TBI, yet them and their loved ones are going through a living hell.

If any of you actually care about Traumatic Brain Injures and the 10s of millions it affects, check out the film Every 21 Seconds starring Shannon Brown and Kelly Thiebaud. I mention the lead actors names simply because these two deliver performances that perfectly capture what it's like to have a TBI (Brown) and how challenging it is to be the primary caregiver (Thiebaud) to someone with this horrible condition. Brown is captivating as the main character who suffers from a TBI, honestly one of the best performances you'll ever see in any movie period.

Similar to Welcome to Marwen, Every 21 Seconds is based on the true story of TBI survivor who also suffered his injury due to being assaulted unjustly. I stumbled across 21 when it was in theaters earlier this year in Chicago. I was floored by not only the performances of the leads, but also the authenticity and rawness of the film itself. I picked up my sister and brought her back that same day to watch a later showing. It was very emotional for her to watch it, at the end she had tears of joy, saying that this film perfectly captures the struggles of someone suffering from a TBI.

I guess we were hoping a bigger budget film like Marwen would take advantage of this great opportunity to put an authentic mainstream film out there really highlighting this devastating condition, sadly they did not.
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