Review of Alex, Inc.

Alex, Inc. (2018)
it's just cheap... and also bad
26 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like people who give it 10 stars are studio heads who look at like it needs to check all those certain boxes. Like the sexually suggestive wallflower type of assistant/librarian nerd character who says these things without realizing, which then must be immediately explained to the audience. Next they go into the "nerd factory" where they build an automatic cradle, which they somehow manage to turn into a catapult just for the cheap laugh of throwing a baby at the wall. And that's what this is about; extremely cheap and bad jokes, and a wanna-be Steve Jobs who wants to change the world, except he is also the best dad ever. Of course the Kids don't know what a VCR is, cause that's cool and so referential and hip on twitter.

If they had at least put some effort into making it feel organic. Ever looked at those great sitcoms. They all felt somewhat real. This doesn't. It's almost worse than Youtube originals.
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