i do not know what to believe.....
15 November 2018
Well as the headline says,i'm not quite sure what i shall believe, but this film came over me like an alien encounter. it is not a high flyer big budget movie, so what has been made here are quite sensational and groovy. when i write this im in my cabin in the dark woods of norway,and i dont dare to go outside taking a leak...why? watch the film and you¨ll find out. the story are pretty standard alienish, some of the acting seems inexperienced, but at the pivotal moments it does works. the filmography are typical documentarish style,with some low quality picture images, but the locations are nice,but what makes it worth watching is the special effects in the final part , and the shock-jolting moments out in the desert. i can recommend this one, and will very likely show it to my wife....thats sign of quality...
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