Juliet, Naked (2018)
An enjoyable, if slightly forgettable, entry into the better half of its genre.
4 November 2018
'Juliet, Naked (2018)' has some interesting themes - especially surrounding the different, but equally valid, meanings of art to the consumer and to the artist themselves, and the way that one's appreciation for something that someone else could consider 'trivial' can become an integral part of their identity and that it is in no way less legitimate because of its apparent 'triviality'. The flick also has some very well rounded characters, who are all performed excellently; Ethan Hawke's weathered singer-songwriter, in particular, always carries the weight of a tangible past with him. The film is an entertaining time throughout, too, and is a pleasant experience on the whole, one that's as predictable as it is confidently crafted. There doesn't seem to be that extra 'thing', whatever that may be, that could've set this apart from the crowd, though. Ultimately, this makes the piece a perfectly enjoyable entry into the better half of its genre, one that doesn't necessarily stand out from the others in that same category but isn't actually worse for it, just slightly less memorable. 6/10
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