The Forest (2017)
Many Implausibilities ***Spoilers***
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I gave this a 7 because I was entertained.

The plot was okay. Hey real life is weird. And people are never what they seem, so I had no problems with the plot.

However, the implausibilities are tough to overlook and slid into the ridiculous. Spoilers below:

First the female cop would never have been allowed to work the case because it would be a defense lawyer's wet dream.

Next, if they did allow her to work the case, the first slip up and she'd be out, not the tenth and she gets a warning and then continues inappropriate behavior, including found out to have withheld evidence.

An unlocked evidence room???

People can barge into the police station with rifles??? No one noticed?

Is the door to the police station ever locked? Who's minding the store?

And evidence tape is tampered with and it's, oh well. It'll be okay. Again a defense lawyer's wet dream.

She withheld evidence and during the completely inappropriate scene with the two teens threatened them with arrest for withholding evidence. The captain finds out and barely shrugs.

The teens are questioned together. Ones underage but no lawyer. No call to parents. They're left alone to get their stories straight. Nice police work.

Why isn't hubby in jail? What's the age of consent over there? And two people say that saw him leave the house and *he* admitted it. Why isn't he being treated like a suspect and the cop wife, too???

Why are you walking around repeatedly alone in the woods where girls are being murdered? Even after a guy breaks into your home and ends up dead at your house, yet there you are alone in the wood again and again, touching evidence and no one on the police force tells you to cut it out or warns you to not touch anything you find?

Who owns the wolf? But, wait there's no wolves in those parts.

Still living alone after nearly being set on fire!

You now have everyone's DNA. Why not have all of it tested against yours to find out who impregnated and killed your mom? Maybe pops is still around. Oh wait, maybe its the same guy who killed those girls way back and is still killing people and if you share DNA, then... Nope, never occurs to anyone. And you actually believe it's someone in the village and you have everyone's DNA!!! And still, never occurs...

So what's the deal with the circles? How does that tie in? Was the killer also the therapist? I mean he went to a lot of trouble to destroy the tapes.

Believe it or not this series still managed to entertained.
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