Author of the final solution
1 October 2018
B picture studio Allied Artists without use of any big names turned out a fine documentary style film detailing the capture of Adolph Eichmann played here by Werner Klemperer. In fact with John Banner playing Rudolf Hess it takes a bit of getting used to see these Hogan's Heroes regulars playing it serious.

One thing I do have to say. Rudolf Hess who lived to the ripe old age of 94 and was the only prisoner in Spandau prison left of top Nazis when he did pass on did not look anything like John Banner. Knowing that it was a bit disconcerting for me to see him in that role.

Hess was a public face of Nazism. Eichmann who was high up in the SS command was the author of the detailed plans for the annihilation of the Jewish people. He was not a public face and this was part of the reason he avoided capture for 15 years.

I do remember news of his capture when I was a kid. Argentina made all kinds of official diplomatic protests to no avail. Israel wanted, went in and got him and the hell with diplomacy.

In the film part of the reason is Jimmy Baird who grows up to be Donald Buka remembers the man who ordered his family killed. Buka is part of Mossad when he grows up and he makes Eichmann his special project.

Klemperer is the show and the year before he played a most convincing Nazi on trial in Judgment At Nuremberg. See that and see Operation Eichmann and you'll know he was capable of a lot more than Colonel Wilhem Klink.
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