Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Lessons (2002)
Season 7, Episode 1
Back to School!
29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the final season opener of BtVS, it's back to school time for the gang. Dawn is entering her freshman year of high school and Sunnyvale has just opened up the new campus... right on top of the old one! While scoping the new place out, Buffy comes across some zombie-ghosts that blame her for their demise.

They attack Buffy, Dawn, and a pair of two other new outcasts at the high school (the new Willow and Xander perhaps?). Buffy tries to find Dawn after she falls through the floor and into the basement of the old school. Buffy bumps into Spike who seems to be living down there and is half-mad. Buffy saves the day and the new principal offers her a part-time counseling job since she's been through similar stuff in her past.

Meanwhile, Giles is attempting to rehabilitate Willow in some far off land (presumably England). She's getting some schooling of her own as she tries to regain a sense of normalcy. The magic flows through her so powerfully now that she can no longer turn it off.

It is revealed that some type of shapeshifting beaming is talking to Spike and tormenting him about his retrieved soul. Spike may have bit off more than he can chew this time. Anya learns that the rest of the demons think she has gone soft and is now on the good side of good versus evil as signs point towards some ancient evil being on the way.

After the darkest season of Buffy yet, this season starts off with a bit of a reset, almost nostalgic for the early on seasons. A new ancient baddy is introduced, we're back in high school, we battle a monster of the week. This show knows where its bread is buttered! While not the greatest season opener of all time, it does the job of introducing a few new characters, a new villain for the season, and it brings the show back to a tone that we haven't seen in quiet a while.
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