Octavio Is A Bit Of A Mess
26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This starts out intriguingly, with Rosanna Arquette's portrayal of the lead character's grasping and manipulating mother, but that only lasts 5 minutes or so and then once Sarah Gadon leaves to move into her dead father's house, and begins going out to strip bars in his clothes, the film pretty much falls off a cliff.

Gadon seems a fairly good actress but she makes THE most unconvincing cross-dressing 'man' imaginable. The idea that the gay guy she becomes involved with (and everyone else she meets) wouldn't be able to tell she's a girl is simply too ridiculous for the story to remain standing. The 'ghost story' stuff seems kinda patchy and random as well, and by the end the whole film is just a ragbag of implausible, disconnected and emotionally unconvincing scraps that add up to very little.

I think it was perhaps trying to show her discovering her father's hidden sexuality by walking in his actual footsteps or something, which could have been interesting if there had been a tighter hold on the material and a better use of the cinematic medium to depict that in a clear and compelling manner. But there wasn't, so it's a bit of a mess, really.
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